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Hampton Woods Committee Chairs and Committee Information

Each committee is always in need of volunteers to help with various tasks. We encourage you to get involved in our neighborhood! 

East Cobb Civic Association: Robert Stumpe

Landscaping: Derek Brown & Linda Pollock   

Pool:  Brandt Foster

Social: Reagan Charney

Hammerheads Swim Team:   Krysten Marie

Tennis: Leslie Smith   

Tennis Court Schedule: Leslie Smith

Webmaster: Tina Gilje

Assistant Treasurers
      Payables: Jan Sherman

Reimbursement:  If you have purchased items for one of the events or committees, please fill out the reimbursement form Reimbursement Form and forward it, with a copy of the receipt, to the Board or Committee Chair for approval. It will then be forwarded to Jan for reimbursement.